After purchasing a boat, the first thing a person should do is to buy a good marine boat insurance coverage. This kind of insurance is meant to cover any financial and medical losses that may occur in the event of an accident. Research indicates that most people do not shop around when buying or renewing a boat insurance policy. This means that consumers do not take advantage of the competitive insurance market. Most boat owners feel that they do not know much about marine boat insurance plans, and therefore, they cannot compare the value of one policy to another. Here are some of the important details to know before buying Marine Boat Insurance in Elyria OH.
Two Major Types of Marine Boat Insurance Policies
Marine boat insurance policies can be divided into two broad categories: Agreed value policy and actual cash value policy. In an agreed value policy, the insured is paid the agreed value of the vessel in the event of a total covered loss. In an actual cash value policy, the insured gets an amount that is equal to the current value of the vessel less the depreciation. Most insurance agents and brokers recommend that boat owners choose an agreed value policy to protect themselves fully in the event of a loss.
Three Factors that Affect Boat Insurance Costs
Some of the key factors that determine the amount of premiums to be paid include:
* Boat make and model: The horsepower, length and type of boat are some of the key factors taken into account when calculating premiums to be paid.
* Driver profile: The insurance company will consider the experience, gender and age of the boat’s driver when determining the insurance premiums to be paid.
* Intended use: All boat owners have a different idea of fun. People may purchase boats for high-speed water skiing, low-key weekend fishing or para sailing all season long. Frequent and riskier activities can drive insurance costs up.
These are just some important details to know before buying Marine Boat Insurance in Elyria OH. Remember to choose the right boat insurance company to get the best insurance policies at affordable rates. For more information about marine boat insurance coverage, and how to contact a reputable insurance company, please go toor their Facebook page.