Indications it’s Time for Septic Pumping in Arlington, WA

by | Jun 25, 2018 | Septic Tanks

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Owning a home is hard work. There is always something that needs to be repaired or worked on. In most cases, the signs of a problem will be clear. Unfortunately, with a home’s septic system, this may not always be the case. As a result, a homeowner needs to get to know the signs of a septic issue and when it’s time to call for professional Septic Pumping in Arlington WA.

Sluggish Flushing or Draining

If a person has noticed their shower, toilet, washing machine, or tub is draining slowly, then it’s a good sign that the septic tank needs to be pumped. This is one of the most obvious signs of a problem. Be sure to watch for this so that the issue can be repaired before it gets worse.

Bad Smells

As the septic tank begins to fill up, the odor-causing gasses don’t have anywhere to go. As a result, they can begin to emanate from the drains, toilets, and the outdoor septic area and drainfield. Not only is this issue gross, it’s actually quite unhealthy, too. If a homeowner notices sewage or sulphur-like odors in their home or around their property, it’s time to call for professional help.

Standing Water

When a septic tank gets full, then the water may begin to pool in a number of places all around the property. The most tell-tale sign of an issue is if there is standing water in the drain field or around the actual tank. Pooling water is an indication that there’s a problem and that it’s time to call for professional Septic Pumping in Arlington WA.

When it comes to septic issues, this is one problem that a homeowner doesn’t want to ignore or put off having fixed. Doing so can lead to an array of problems, including sewage backing up into the home. The best way to avoid these problems is by knowing the early signs of an issue, which are highlighted above. In the long run, this will let a homeowner know when they need to take action and prevent more expensive repairs down the road.

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