Information on Bail Bond Types in Bartow County GA

by | May 28, 2019 | Bail Bonds

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If you or someone you know is arrested, you will most likely have to deal with a bail bond agent. This is the best way to make sure you are able to be released from jail in a timely manner. Before seeking the services of a bail bonding agent, you will need to know the types of bonds available to you. Here is some basic information on Bail Bond in Bartow County GA.

The first type bond is called an “OR” bond. The “OR” stands for own recognizance. It is not very common for a judge to allow this type of bond. This bond will allow a person to be released from jail after signing a personal agreement that they will appear for their court hearings. This bond is generally not available for those individuals who may have a previous criminal history.

The second type of bond is called a “cash bond.” Not everyone can afford to pay the entire amount of their bail. For instance, if the judge sets a bond amount of $20,000, the average person cannot come up with this amount of money. That is why many people opt for a third type of bond called a “surety bond.”

A surety bond is the type of bond that most individuals depend on in order to be released from jail. This means that you will have to pay the bonding agent a percentage of your entire bail amount. When using the $20,000 bail amount as an example, you would be responsible for paying approximately 10 percent of that amount plus the bonding agents fees. Once this is paid and you sign the bond agreement, can be released from jail.

A less common type of bond is a property bond. This type of bond may be used for those who end up with an extremely high bail amount. Sometimes this is the only option when bail is set so high. Many people are not willing to put their property up for any reason. That is another reason that these bonds are not often used.

For more information contact Corntassel Bonding Co.

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