Initiating An Appeal With A Social Security Attorney In Fort Worth, TX

by | Jul 27, 2015 | Lawyers and Attorneys

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Applicants in Texas who wish to acquire social security disability file for one of two types of benefits. They file for SSI or SSDI. The difference in these benefits is that SSDI is a form of insurance offered to individuals who have worked and accumulated these benefits. SSI is benefits assigned to individuals with disabilities who have never worked prior to applying.

The Basic Guidelines

To acquire SSI, the applicant must present evidence of a disability that is either mental or physical. It must meet the requirements for qualifying disabilities identified by the Social Security Administration. The disability must prevent them from ever becoming employed. An example of these disabilities is a condition that renders the individual into an incapacitated state for a lengthy duration. To establish a qualifying disability for SSI, contact a social security attorney in fort Worth TX now.

For SSDI, the applicant must provide medical evidence from their physician that forces them to retire early. The portion of disability benefits the applicant acquires is determined by the disability and the length of time in which the applicant has worked throughout their lives. These benefits aren’t the same as social security benefits acquired during retirement.

The Ability to Work

The disability must stop the applicant from working in any field. They cannot acquire benefits if they are unable to return to their preferred field of work only. They must prove that the disability stops them from accepting a job entirely. They won’t receive benefits if they are unable to acquire a job that provides them with the same income level prior to the starting date of the disability.
Filing an Application

The Social Security Administration reviews all applications initially. They require all applicants to visit doctors they choose to make evaluations based on the identified condition. The findings of these doctors determine if the application is approved.

Any applicant who is denied benefits has the right to file an appeal. During the appeal process, they present evidence of their condition to the court. A judge makes the final rendering in these cases. To begin a claim today, contact a Social Security Attorney in Fort Worth TX immediately.

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