Inspect Gas Fireplaces For Safer Homes

by | Oct 19, 2015 | Fireplace Store

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Amazingly, there are some gas fireplace owners who don’t know how important it is to inspect gas fireplaces. The importance of fireplace inspection is something that most people find out about before they start using gas fireplaces. For those who don’t know how important inspections are, it’s time to learn. Annual inspections can actually save lives. There is also property to consider. Fires caused by fireplaces can easily destroy buildings. A great thing about a fireplace inspection is that it isn’t expensive, so there really isn’t any reason to not get an inspection done.

One reason to inspect gas fireplaces is ventilation. Although it’s true that gas fireplaces burn much cleaner than traditional fireplaces, they still produce gases that can be deadly. Gas fireplace owners don’t have to worry about soot, but they do need to be concerned with carbon monoxide. Each year, hundreds of people die from overexposure to carbon monoxide. This is why it’s important for inspectors to make sure that fireplaces have ventilation that isn’t obstructed in anyway. Obstructions can be caused by animals, deteriorating chimneys, or other things. Inspectors can check for nests and structural damage to chimneys.

Owners of gas fireplaces can contact or any other chimney contractors if they are concerned with fireplace functionality. Some people just seem to think that their fireplaces will turn on every single time they attempt to ignite them. But much like other things around the home, the parts of a fireplace can wear out. Connections can become loose. What if leaks develop inside a fireplace? As with the other appliances, fireplaces need to be cleaned in order to keep operating as they should. Fireplace owners usually don’t know which parts of a gas fireplace to clean, but professionals do know. Unfortunately, gas fireplaces can actually explode if they aren’t properly maintained. Why would a fireplace owner want to take such a risk?
The benefits of annual inspections are quite clear. Fireplace owners should schedule inspections when fall starts. Waiting until the cold weather actually arrives is cutting it too close. If costly fireplace repairs have to be done, it’s best to know before heat is needed so money can be budgeted to get the fireplace fixed.

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