Though it is likely an event that is now commonplace to your eyes and ears, throughout the day you are exposed to hundreds of ads and messages. Whether you live in the smallest of towns or a large metropolis, the reach of digital and traditional media has covered a good part of the globe. The average individual is exposed to such a large amount of information on a daily basis that it can be difficult for you, as a brand or agency, to get your message heard through all of the background noise and colors.
Multiple Avenues
Due to the fact that your target consumer has so many other brands competing for their attention it is important for you, as a business, to make use of as many opportunities as you can to reach your target demographic. Integrated media planning can help you to succeed in reaching your desired audience by making use of multiple outlets, mediums, and agencies to work together simultaneously in an effort to get your message, brand, service, or product to be heard above the commotion of daily life. The average person is exposed to so many different ads and messages throughout the average day that it takes a strategic approach to getting your message to be heard repeatedly and across multiple avenues.
Hear and See All About It!
Depending upon your brand, product, or service, you may have certain demographic groups that you are trying to reach. A company that produces construction tools and equipment, for example, would likely have a certain type of person that they would be trying to reach and a plan to reach that demographic. The advantage of integrated media planning is that it allows you to concentrate on your targeted audience with a plan to reach that audience with a variety of messages across a variety of mediums. Your ideal consumer will need to be exposed to your message repeatedly, across a multiple platforms, and through various sources.
Timing is Everything
All too often, you may be missing out on reaching your targeted consumer because your message is being sent through only one medium or through less effective channels. An integrated approach to media planning allows you to make use of every form of media (print, audial, social, web-based, etc.) to make the very best effort to catch your target consumer at the right time. The company that produces construction tools and equipment might want to use an integrated approach that catches the contractor as he/she is on their way to or from the job site or project location. The surest way to catch your audience is through an approach that combines all of the available outlets to strategically reach your audience.
If you need help getting your brand or product heard or seen then contact the specialists at Telmar for all of your marketing needs.