Keeping Clean with a Portable Sink

by | Feb 1, 2016 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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In many parts of the world, water is a source of illness and disease. It’s not water you can drink, wash your hands or take a bubble bath in. Instead, it’s the enemy, bringing disease, suffering, and death.

The World
According to Solidarities.Org, unsanitary conditions and dirty water are two of the chief causes of death in the world. Deadly diseases associated with water consumption, like diarrheal diseases, is responsible for 50 percent of child deaths every year. Diseases like trachoma, though, happen when kids rub their eyes with dirty hands, one reason why a lot of children in poor-stricken countries and communities around the world grow up blind.

In many cases, clean water is a key element in prevention. So are sanitary habits like washing one’s hands with soap and water thoroughly to prevent the spread of germs and infection. This is why it’s so important to have good washing habits.

So what do you do if your kids or family have lousy hand washing habits? If they often forget to wash their hands before they sit down for a meal? You could buy a portable hand washing station to help you improve your family’s dismal hand washing habits.

Easy access
If your kids love to spend a lot of time playing outside the house, it can be a bit of a drag for them to have to go inside the house to clean their hands every time. So provide them with a portable hand washing station outside. It’s so accessible they wouldn’t think twice about washing their hands.

Logistics Issue
Say, you were planning party or gathering at your home. And the long lines in front of the bathroom keep a lot of your guests from washing their hands. By using a portable hand washing station outside, you can provide your guests with more hand washing facilities to ease the long lines.

What’s great about a single portable hand washing station from companies like Monsam Enterprises is that it fits easily into your van or trailer. You can take it up with you when you go to the beach or the mountain to camp out. This way, you and everyone else can enjoy washing with warm water, even when you’re outside, building campfires and sleeping under the stars.

With a portable sink, you can keep those hands clean and protect your family from germs and infections.

Interested in purchasing a hand washing station? Monsam Enterprises offers many choices to choose from. For more details, call us now.

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