Key Elevator Services in Arlington VA That Every Building Owner Should Secure

by | Jun 23, 2015 | Construction and Maintenance

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Owning an apartment or office building is a great investment, but the property must be maintained responsibly. One of the features of these types of structures is often elevators that can be used instead of the stairs. In order to make sure the elevators remain in top condition, it pays to find a professional who can provide the best in Elevator Services in Arlington VA. Here are a few examples of support that must be part of the package.

Ongoing Inspections

Safety is important when it comes to elevators. For this reason, it pays to ensure the range of Elevator Services in Arlington VA, sought include regular inspections. By having someone inspect every aspect of the elevator periodically, it is much easier to know when a component is showing signs of wear and take the necessary action. In the long run, this helps reduce the chances of the elevator failing and trapping passengers between floors.

General Maintenance

Along with inspections, maintenance is also important to the function of the elevator. Having someone take care of issues like lubricating moving parts and replacing elements of the control panel that do not work are examples of what must be done to keep the units in top shape. With the right type of maintenance, the odds of experiencing a major problem are kept to a minimum.


Even with devices like elevators, innovations in technology make it possible to improve what is already in place. When the older elevators are becoming more expensive to keep running, it pays to see what upgrading the current units would do for the owner and the tenants in the building. If it seems as if the elevator is breaking down every other month, there is no point in continuing to pay for costly repairs. That money can better be spent in upgrading the system and eliminating the underlying causes for those repairs.

For building owners who are serious about keeping their tenants happy, talk with the team at Elevator Technologies Inc. in Arlington VA, today. From setting up an ongoing schedule for maintenance to overhauling the entire system, they can provide information and support that the client can put to good use.

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