Landscaping in Maui Covers Irrigation Planning

by | Nov 29, 2017 | landscaping

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If you want your landscape to look lush and green, you cannot overlook irrigation. While you can rely in part on the weather to supply the needed water for your yard, you still need to make sure that an irrigation system is in place. Work with an arborist who offers this service.

Recording the Water Pressure

According to professionals in landscaping in Maui, an irrigation system is linked to a residence’s water supply. Therefore, in order to ensure that the sprinklers will work, the water pressure must be sufficient. This means that the pressure should read at least 40 pounds per square inch (psi). A psi of 50 is normally recommended.

You can find out the water pressure for the care of your landscaping by securing a water pressure gauge. To measure the pressure, switch off the faucets inside your home. Screw the gauge onto an outside spigot. Turn on the spigot and record the reading. Take several readings during the day to calculate the average psi.

Measuring the Water Flow

When you obtain the water pressure reading for your landscaping work, you can determine the speed of water flow. This calculation is measured in gallons per minute, or gpm. You can also have the landscaper who is overseeing your irrigation figure the number.

If you want to figure the gpm yourself, gather a one-gallon container and a watch that features a second hand. Go to the outdoor spigot and turn on the water. Measure how long it takes for the water to fill the container. If it takes over a minute to fill the container, divide the seconds you record by 60 to obtain the gpm.

Once you have this information, you can go ahead and plan the sprinkler system for your yard. Sketch a drawing that includes a rough presentation of your home (indicated by a square or rectangle), your driveway, outbuildings, and areas of green space. You also want to show the locations of trees and plants. Indicate the locations of outdoor spigots. Give this information to your landscaper for planning your sprinkler system. Click here for further details.

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