Learning More about Seatbelt Injury Treatment in McDonough, GA

by | Jun 4, 2018 | Chiropractic

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Although wearing a seatbelt will save your life, seatbelt injuries are common in the U.S. That is because getting jolted in a car accident can damage your shoulder or neck, or negatively affect areas of the body such as the chest, hips, or ribs. Also, some people may wear their seatbelts incorrectly, which can worsen some injuries.

Whiplash Injuries

Fortunately, you can receive seatbelt injury treatment in McDonough, GA for the part of your body that was hurt by your seatbelt during an accident. One of the most frequent seatbelt injuries is whiplash. During a collision, a seatbelt can exert a large amount of pressure on the user. In some instances, wearing a seatbelt can even lead to kidney damage.

Relief from Chronic Pain

When whiplash occurs, the head is suddenly forced in one direction and then another, which causes soft tissue damage in the neck. In turn, seatbelt injury treatment for this condition concentrates on neck pain and stiffness, headaches, loss of range of motion, and even tinnitus. Many victims end up suffering from chronic pain as well.

Therefore, seatbelt injury treatment concentrates on treating the pain and accelerating wound healing. In some instances, a seatbelt being used during a crash can lead to nerve damage, especially the nerves in the lower back. When the back is affected in this way, the patient often experiences weakness in his or her legs.

Who to Contact Online

You need to learn more about your treatment options if you have sustained an injury from wearing a seatbelt. While it is good to know that the seatbelt saved your life, you still have to find the best course of treatment for your specific injury. You can learn more about the appropriate treatment when you contact us online. Allow us to use our innovative therapy methods to help you heal from your accident.

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