We all know that Education is very necessary for being successful in this country. Many parents strive to give their children the best educational opportunity available in an effort to provide a jump-start in life. Most schools do well in providing structure and a myriad of classes and instruction that will prepare your child for their future. Now there is one that is above the rest and provides Gifted Education in Washington, DC.
That school is the Feynman School.
The Feynman School, started in 2009 by Richard Feynman is located on the outskirts of our nation’s capital in Bethesda, MD. This school specializes in a child’s ability to learn and understand. They promote thinking instead of routine repetition and memorization of information. Richard Feynman’s philosophy is that children are intelligent beings and their creative thinking skills are to be pushed to the limits and their intellectual inquisitiveness should not be contained.
The school’s curriculum includes science, math, Spanish as well as music and arts. Class sizes are limited to16 students to every teacher. With such a great student/teacher ratio the Feynman School is one of the most sought after schools that offer Gifted Education In Washington, DC. The school offers grades from Pre-K to K-4.The faculty is well qualified and are among the top educators in the country. The Feynman School accepts students from a myriad of diversities and social statuses.
The school takes great measures in identifying each child’s unique learning abilities without the label of gifted or non-gifted. A child’s strengths and needs as well as learning styles are identified through a series of non-standardized testing. Every prominent potential learner is encouraged to be placed into the school.
The application process is simplified through six steps. The first step begins with testing to determine a child’s ability. The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence test is used in this process. All testing is done via appointment only. A formal application is then submitted while academic records are reviewed. Financial Aid is available to students who qualify. The student and parents are then extended a visit to view the facility and to ask questions. The final step in the process is to notify the parent and student of their acceptance into the school. More information about the school can be found via website. Go ahead at let your child be a part of a leading school that provides Gifted Education In Washington, DC.