Despite the crying that may accompany it, parents are usually in awe when their little one’s first tooth appears. Dental care is not the first thought when the little bit of white breaks the gum line. Instead, they are racing for their cameras to post photos to family and friends of yet another milestone. However, to keep that new tooth and the ones to follow in a healthy condition, it is a good idea to have already selected dentistry for children in Silverdale, WA before you see the first pearly white. It is extremely important to start children off on a path of good dental hygiene early in life – long before fear and apprehension have a chance to take root.
Going to the dentist can be stressful for anyone. It can be particularly anxious for children. While it may be impossible to avoid some of this, by starting children with visits to the dentist early, they will be used to the practice and, therefore, less nervous. Most dentist and pediatricians recommend that children start seeing a dentist before they turn a year old. Once the teeth start arriving, the dentist can make sure there are no problems and advise parents and caregivers on proper cleaning techniques. A dental practice that specializes in young patients is the best way to go when choosing a dentist for your child.
A pediatric dentist is specially trained to make your child’s dental experience as calm as possible while ensuring that they get the care they need and deserve. Before that first tooth erupts, ask your pediatrician and other concerned parents for recommendations for dentistry for children in Silverdale, WA that have been proven competent and comforting for children. You want a dentist who will be there as your child grows. You are sure to encounter special needs along the way including a loose tooth, an unfortunate sporting accident or tooth extractions. You will eventually need advice on orthodontia and wisdom teeth. You want a pediatric dentist who your child is comfortable with especially at traumatic times. Starting them off early will ensure this. So don’t wait for that first tooth to appear – start looking for your dentist after you bring your sweet bundle home from the hospital.