Much of a person’s life is lived online, but few people consider what will happen to their online accounts when they’ve passed on. Everyone has an online presence that should be managed after death so loved ones can access stored memories and assets. Here are a few ways to manage those digital assets with the help of an Estate Planning Attorney in Green Bay WI.
Use a Password Manager
If someone inherits a car or a house, they need the keys. In much the same way, a person receiving access to a family member’s digital life will need their passwords. With a password manager, it becomes easier to hand over those digital keys, as passwords are stored in one place. Users may store passwords for social media as well as online banking and other sites. Save a copy of this emergency kit on a flash drive or keep a printed copy with other estate planning documents so personal representatives can access it when needed.
Let Google Know
Google has a unique feature known as an Inactive Account Manager. If an account remains dormant for a predetermined time period, the manager hands it over to a designated representative. Users must provide a phone number and another contact email to use the service, and Google will use those means to contact the person before handing the account to a representative.
Leave a Facebook Legacy
Most people use Facebook to connect with friends and family, sharing everything from lunchtime pictures to news about new additions to the family. Though it’s often used for those purposes, Facebook also reminds family and friends of upcoming birthdays and other special occasions, which can be painful when someone is no longer here to participate. These problems can easily be avoided by choosing a legacy contact that will memorialize the person’s account after their passing.
In Closing
Hopefully, these tips won’t be needed for many years, but they’re useful to have in case the unexpected happens. With the information in this guide, a person and their Estate Planning Attorney in Green Bay WI can handle digital and real-life planning. Visit the website to learn more or call the Brabazon Law Office LLC to schedule a consultation.