Methods On How to Control Ants Around Your Home and Business in Newcastle

by | Jul 21, 2022 | Pest Control

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Ants attract each other like a magnet. By the time you spot one ant in your home or business, there’s a high chance a colony is nearby. If you have been infested and wondering how to control ants around your home and business, we are here to help. We will explain to you safe ways to eliminate and repel these pests from your premise/home.

Use Chalk

Chalk contains calcium carbonate, which acts as a natural repellant to ants. Therefore, you can try spraying powdered chalk at the entry points of your home or business. As simple as it may sound, this method has been proven effective and successful.

Apply White Vinegar

White vinegar is a good solution for white ant treatment in Newcastle and the surrounding. Usually, ants follow an invisible chemical trail made from the queens’ pheromones. Your work will be to identify the ants’ trails (which contain thousands of ants in a line). Once you have the trail, apply vinegar, and that’s it! The route to your home or business will be terminated.

Red Pepper

Ants are generally attracted to sugary things, but not the case with pepper. With that in mind, you can apply pepper in areas infested with these bugs and witness them disappearing one by one.

Boiling Water

Sometimes, white ant treatment in Newcastle calls for bold steps, such as killing them with hot water. Once you’ve identified the ants’ nests or holes around your home or business, you can pour boiling water in to immediately kill them.

However, if the question how to control ants around your home and business still keeps lingering in your head despite executing the above methods, you can now try a professional exterminator. At Flick Pest Control Newcastle, they have local experts who will effectively eliminate these stubborn creatures once and for good. Visit their website for more info.

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