Opiate Abuse and Dependency are difficult problems to tackle, that’s for sure. Once an individual becomes “hooked” on Opiates, like prescription pain medication such as Hydrocodone (Norco, Lortabs, Vicodin), Oxycodone (Percocet, Roxycontin), as well as the drug Heroin; he or she will likely develop severe physical symptoms of Opiate Withdrawal when abruptly discontinuing taking more Opiates, as in quitting Cold Turkey. Often the withdrawal symptoms are so severe; the person resumes the Opiates and the habit continues. Sometimes, a person will accidently take an overdose of Opiates resulting in death. The least effective way to get off Opiates is to try and go Cold Turkey.
The most effective ways to overcome an Opiate problem starts by seeking the help of a professional who is appropriately trained and experienced to provide effective treatment. A Board Certified Addictionologist is the ideal kind of a Physician to begin the process
of becoming free from Opiates. An Addictionologist is a specially trained doctor, who has the highest degree of expertise for the treatment of what is now known as: Opiate Use Disorder , (Opiate Addiction).
According to recent studies, the most effective treatment for Opiate Use Disorder is called: Medication Assisted Therapy, or MAT. This has also been called: Outpatient Based Opiate Replacement Therapy. A medication called Buprenorphine (Suboxone) is the treatment of choice for the condition. In fact, MAT is at least twice as effective as Abstinence Based Treatments in preventing deaths from Opiate overdoses. Your Addictionologist can begin the treatment with the Buprenorphine (Suboxone).
Sitting down for an evaluation with an Addictionologist to learn one’s options is the best place to start. In Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Dr. Kevin Passer, M.D. is a Board Certified Addictionologist who provides MAT with Suboxone. Call for an appointment at . For more information, check out their website at Web You can pay a visit to Facebook page for more information. There’s Still Hope!