ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and is a disorder which can be diagnosed during the early years of childhood. ADHD is much more than just a child who has trouble sitting still or focusing on a task at hand during school hours. A child with ADHD can often be seen as inattentive or lacking the ability to pay attention, hyperactive, and even impulsive. Typically children are diagnosed with ADHD by about seven years of age, but many times it can be hard to recognize the difference between a child with ADHD and a child who is just behaving like a child. There are many myths about children with ADHD Columbus MS, but the truth is available to families through doctors and research.
One myth about children with ADHD, is that they can never pay attention. On the contrary, if a topic or project is very interesting to the child, then paying attention does not seem to be a problem. Paying attention becomes a problem for a child with ADHD when the topic is repetitive or on a subject with which the child associates boredom. Another common myth about children with ADHD Columbus MS, is that if they really wanted to pay attention or be better students, they could. The truth for children with ADHD, is that for the most part they are children who want to behave properly and follow directions by authority figures, but there is a block between what they really want to do and what their brain and body actually allows them to do. Lastly, one of the biggest myths surrounding children with ADHD is that any child who is hyperactive, impulsive, or inattentive automatically has ADHD. Many children who have been labeled as having ADHD may in fact be dealing with something very different. For example, a child may seem inattentive during study hours or reading segments of school, this could be a sign for ADHD, but it could also be a sign of a learning disorder like dyslexia or other reading issues. In addition, instead of ADHD, a child may have a psychological disorder like depression or a medical issue like epilepsy. It is important for families to seek the professional opinion of a doctor if a child displays signs of ADHD.