Need Cash? Find and Sell Scrap Copper Wire in Philadelphia

by | Oct 9, 2013 | Materials

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As the United States economy continues its slow recovery, many Philadelphia residents are facing hard economic times. They are either unemployed or underemployed and are scrambling for ways to make more money. With the rise in metal prices, many have sold their old cars to junk yards and emptied out their jewelry boxes. People learned with those transactions that there is money in metal and they decided find more to sell. These newly-minted scrap-metal peddlers are turning to items such as Scrap Copper Wire Philadelphia to make a living.

If they’ve had old appliances and equipment lying around, they probably have taken them apart and sorted the various metals used to make it. Often you’ll see peddlers out on trash night sorting through the trash cans left on the sidewalk. They’ll visit every yard sale looking for cheap metal products. Once they’ve amassed enough metal they have to decide which scrap-metal yard to sell it to.

While there is usually one price quoted each day for the price of copper, gold, silver, or any other metal on the news, the price paid by scrap-metal yards can vary a great deal. If a scrap-metal buyer believes the price is going to increase in the next few days, he might be willing to pay more. However, if he feels a top has been reached, he’ll be paying less. Therefore a Scrap Copper Wire Philadelphia seller should contact several yards and find out who is paying the most these days.

Some yards will even pick up the copper wire. If a person doesn’t have a car or the money to put gas in it, then having the yard pick it up makes life much easier. They should call and ask if there is a minimum amount that the dealer will send a truck out for. They person will still get their cash. The driver has a scale on the truck.

Each scrap-metal yard has it’s own rules for the way metal should be delivered. Some places will accept a load of toasters and wires and sort it themselves. Other yards want it sorted by metal. Generally unsorted loads are paid less per pound than sorted loads.

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