NJ Solar Companies Often Offer Zero-Down Financing for Home Solar

by | Oct 12, 2022 | Solar

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The world is going green and NJ solar companies can help your home to become energy independent. Blackouts have become all too common, and a home solar system can help you to keep the lights on. You can even get zero down financing for your new home solar system in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut.

However, if you want to make your home blackout-proof, you’ll need to get an off-grid solar system, rather than a grid-tied system. An off-grid system includes a battery bank to store electricity when you need it. On the other hand, a grid-tied system simply feeds the electricity back into the power grid. In return, you’ll get a reduced electric bill every month. But, in the event of a blackout, you’ll still be without power.

While a solar system is costly, it can pay for itself within ten years in energy savings. But, saving money is not the most important thing. More importantly, a solar system with battery backup keeps your home operating without power from the grid. That can be life-saving if you have a family member dependent on a medical device, such as a Cpap machine or oxygen.

More than 130,000 homes in New Jersey have already adopted solar. It’s a growing trend that can not be ignored. It’s time that you seriously consider installing solar on your home, not only to save money but also to keep your home safe.

Business name is among the leading NJ solar companies offering zero-down financing.

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