For many young women, obstetrics & gynecology are difficult topics to talk about, and in order to make the important first appointment, certain fears must be addressed. Appointments with your gynecologist or obstetrician are difficult to make at best and absolutely intimidating at worst. The fact remains, however, that every woman must make the call in order to ensure proper, life-long health.
Frequent Visits Should Start Early
It is strongly advised that girls and women begin making yearly visits to their local obstetrics & gynecology clinic, starting in their teens. These appointments are in order to ensure continued health, and they include such things as palpating the abdomen and inguinal lymph nodes and the overall assessment of the patient’s health. These procedures sound strange when described in medical terms, but rest assured they are simple, fast, and completely painless. Such simple exams are equivalent to the maintenance your car requires in order to run properly and smoothly.
For women that are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, a trusted obstetrician is important. A surprising number of American women fail to establish a regular obstetrician and instead visit two or more during their lives. Medical data is at an increased risk of being lost or miscommunicated in these cases, and a strong relationship between a patient and her obstetrician can be missed out on.
Without frequent check-ups at your local obstetrics & gynecology clinic, possible issues can go undiagnosed and untreated beyond the window of opportunity for a quick recovery. If, for example, a menstrual cycle suddenly becomes irregular or has stopped altogether, it is imperative that swift treatment be sought out. Breast exams are also a must, as a lump unnoticed can quickly become two or more. Death rates from breast cancer have decreased over time, and this is a clear indication that regular breast exams are a must.
It Is Never Too Late to Visit an OB/GYN
Whether you are a young woman only just beginning to face the world, a woman that has just become pregnant, or a woman that has reached the later years of her life, a visit to the OB/GYN is never a bad idea. It is important for long-term health and peace of mind to set up a regular, trusted OB/GYN that not only treats your individual needs with compassion, but is also reputable and reliable. It is never too late to receive your first breast or pelvic exam, and appointments should be made regularly in order to ensure quick and successful treatment of any unknown conditions. Do not let your fears or intimidations hold you back from your health.