Every home needs the protection that only a properly installed, well maintained roof can provide. While most roofs will offer years of reliable service, there will eventually come a time when any such asset will need to be replaced.
Choosing an especially capable and diligent Roofing Contractor in Naperville IL when that time comes will always be productive. As a new roof always represents a significant investment, working with a contractor who is ready to explain and explore the options will never be wasted effort.
Three Types of Residential Roofs That Are Most Common in the Area Today
Not so long ago, almost all homes in the area were equipped with the same basic type of roof. That has changed significantly, with homeowners today often being able to choose among three potentially appealing options:
Three-tab shingles – The asphalt-based shingles that so many are familiar with became the default for good reasons. Despite being quite affordable both to buy and install, they can afford long-lasting protection to homes. At the same time, three-tab shingles have been overtaken in certain ways by newer and more modern alternatives. Even so, when budgetary considerations are the most important ones, roofs of this design still often make sense.
Architectural shingles – A newer type of shingle tends to outlast the traditional, three-tab design significantly. Made from advanced composites instead of mostly common asphalt, architectural shingles are stronger and more resilient because of this. While roofs based on this heavier, more substantial type of shingle cost more to have installed, they can easily outlast those that use asphalt shingles instead. That is particularly the case with regard to their ability to withstand high winds and heavy hail, areas of understandable concern for many homeowners.
Metal – Roofs can also be made of metal, and these can easily be some of the most durable of all. Because it takes specialized skills to install and maintain such a structure, working with a Roofing Contractor in Naperville IL who understands this type of material will be a must.
Excellent Options for Most Homeowners to Consider
Click here and it will be seen that there are further benefits and strengths associated with each of these three common types of residential roofing. A roofing contractor who is able to help a homeowner make the most appropriate choice will always be worth seeking out.