Overcome Gum Disease Through the Dentist Offices in Wichita KS

by | May 25, 2015 | Dental Care

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Though a person can experience many afflictions with the health of their mouth, gum disease is one of the most serious. Though gum disease starts off minor, it can easily progress and cause massive tooth and gum damage. As the condition progresses, it will eventually cause the teeth to become loosened. Those who suffer from gum disease need to seek treatment from the dentist offices Wichita KS. The sooner the condition is treated, the less likely a patient will experience permanent damage.

Gum disease starts off as a minor condition called gingivitis. This causes redness, swelling and irritation in the gum tissue. This is most often noticed when a person is brushing and flossing. Regrettably, many people do not seek treatment when they begin seeing these signs. They simply think they have brushed or flossed too hard and made their gums sore.

When treatment is sought early, gingivitis is completely reversible through good oral hygiene practices and a thorough dental cleaning procedure. If a person does not seek treatment right away, the condition can continue to progress. Eventually, it will lead to periodontitis. This condition can cause severe swelling and pockets in the gum tissue. When pockets develop, they begin to expose the upper portions of the tooth roots.

The damage caused by periodontitis can become serious and lead to massive tooth loss. Treatment for this disease requires the dentist use special antibiotics to bring the infection under control. Often, laser surgery is needed to shrink the inflamed gum tissue so it begins to heal.

Prevention of gum disease is key for a healthy smile. Seeking preventative care through the dentist offices Wichita KS is crucial for detecting gum disease when it first begins. The deep cleaning procedures provided, along with the oral care practices done at home can help to keep gum disease away.

If you are experiencing any of the signs of gum disease, it is imperative you see your dentist right away. It is imperative you never overlook the symptoms of gum disease since the condition will only worsen. Call today and schedule your appointment so your oral health can be properly protected.

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