The South Carolina Lifeline Program is part of the federal government’s Lifeline Assistance Program. This program was started under President Ronald Reagan in 1985 and was designed to provide people in low-income families to reduce or eliminate the cost of their landline phone services.
Over time, the federal Lifeline Assist Program and the South Carolina Lifeline Program evolved to include modern trends and technology. Now, the program is designed to provide low-income individuals and families with a free government phone that includes text, calls, and a data plan.
What to Expect
Approval for the South Carolina Lifeline Program provides individuals with a free smartphone. The phone can vary based on the specific carrier, but all phones are new phones with all the features and functions you would expect with a smartphone.
If individuals have their own phones and those phones are compatible with the program offered by the carrier, it is possible to use your phone and your current phone number.
The Application Process
There are different ways to qualify for a free government phone. One is to have a combined household income that is at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. People can have a job and still qualify if they meet the low-income level.
Individuals on specific government assistance programs also qualify for a free government phone South Carolina. Calling your carrier or completing an online application will provide you with the information you need to see if you qualify. The information is also available on the website of any phone service providers that are part of the program.
For information on how to qualify for the South Carolina Lifeline Program, complete an application with Infiniti Mobile. The online application can be found at .