When people get sick, and doctors want to do a multitude of tests, many patients refuse them. They’ll often submit to the tests, but when a diagnosis is made, won’t submit to the treatments that are usually administered for their specific disease. Patients draw their own conclusion that treatments only drain them of money that will eventually be needed for a burial. While this is often true, patients still have loved ones dreading the time when they’ll be left all alone. Many sad decisions have to be made by families that respect the wishes of their beloved parent or grandparent.
Each patient looks at life in a different way. Some have made their peace and want to live each day as richly as they can, so they choose to Forgo Curative Care. They believe that at the end of a life, every day should be enjoyed, and the subject of the day shouldn’t be about the time chemotherapy will be administered. Unless a miraculous recovery is anticipated for them, the day also shouldn’t include a trip to the oncology unit of the nearest clinic for a daily radiation treatment. Other patients will do everything they can to stay alive. They’ll submit to every treatment available, with hope for a miracle that often happens.
For people who decide to Forgo Curative Care, this is the best answer for them. They call a local hospice care unit that does everything they can to give each patient compassionate care. They make sure that every day is the best day of their lives and give advice to family who are already grieving. Before life is over, they help members of the family deal with what is going to take place. When the end of life is imminent, they help each member of the family get through the grieving process. Contact to get help for your loved one.
Palliative Care is also offered at many hospice care clinics. They will explain if there are costs for each type of care a patient and his/her family choose to take advantage of. Many people simply want to live the rest of their lives out with family nearby. They want to discuss old memories without pain or expensive treatments tying them down.
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