A wise man once said “you’re only as young as your spine is supple.” This quote, often repeated by yogis all across the world, should be a motto for all the working bees out there. Those who are chained to their office desks and cubicles for majority of the day. Sitting for extended periods of time puts a lot of strain on the neck and the spine. Statistically, about 80 percent of Americans will experience lower back pain at least once in their lives. Spine problems mostly affect adults ages 35-55. This is typically the most busy time in a person’s life, so it’s no surprise that the back is under a lot of stress. Visit website for more information.
Factors that contribute to unhealthy spine include a mentally stressful job, anxiety, and depression. When dealing with emotional problems, patients don’t realize that the tension transfers to their muscles and joints. The link between psychological variables and physical pain is still a gray area in medicine, but a relationship between the two is undeniable. Other problems related to spine health are obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and smoking.
Through the years, countless remedies have been used to treat an unhealthy spine, from stretching and targeted exercising to medical procedures and surgery. One of the latest and perhaps most exciting methods to treat chronic pain is Platelet Rich Plasma Injections in Mustang, Oklahoma, also known as the PRP therapy. The PRP procedure uses platelets from the patient’s own blood to rebuild damaged joints. Noninvasive, this regenerative medicine treatment injects the platelet-rich plasma into the damaged portion of the tendon or cartilage. The entire process takes less than an hour.
Depending on which part of the body is being treated, patients undergoing the PRP therapy have to rest and undergo physical therapy for about six weeks after the procedure. Most patients notice significant improvement with Platelet Rich Plasma Injections Mustang. The procedure can address a number of ailments, such as chronic lower back disk degeneration, neck, knee, and Achilles tendinitis pain, tennis elbow, spinal stenosis, and many more. Many restorative medicine clinics offer this procedure in Oklahoma, including Dr. Darryl D Robinson of Longevity Spine in Oklahoma City.