Something is not right with the water heater, and the homeowner has already arranged for a plumber to come out the following day. Before the professional arrives, it pays to make a few preparations in advance. Doing so will ensure that the Water Heater Repair can move forward without any type of delays. Here are some suggestions to keep in mind.
Cleaning the Area Around the Heater
One of the first issues to address is the cleanliness of the area round the water heater. Take the time to mop up any water and also ensure the floor is clean. If there is anything stored near the heater, find another place for those items to go. The plumber should have no trouble getting to the heater or finding room to spread out the tools needed to make the Water Heater Repair.
Protecting the Carpeting
During the course of the repair, the plumber may need to be in and out of the house in order to get another tool, check something with the water connections to the heater, or a host of other tasks. To protect the carpeting, put down some type of barrier that provides a trail to the water heater. Old drop cloths from a painting project will work fine. If there are none on hand, sheets of newspaper will accomplish the same purpose.
Distracting Curious Kids and Pets
Children and pets may be very interested in what the plumber is doing. While curiosity is not a bad thing, the plumber may find it hard to work if anyone gets a little too close. The best approach is to find something else for the pets and the kids to do while the repair is underway. During nice weather, time spent in the back yard is a good idea. If the weather is less than inviting, have a movie for the kids to watch and have them keep the dog in the living room with them.
For help with any type of plumbing issue, contact the team at Preferred Home Services today. It will not take long to find out what is wrong and come up with a solution that restores a steady flow of hot water to the home. To know more, connect with them on Facebook.