Preventing Calls For Septic Service

by | Oct 9, 2015 | Septic Tanks

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No one wants to deal with septic system problems. A backed up septic can send waste up into toilets, into the shower and tub, and even into the kitchen sink. This undoubtedly causes much work and mess that must be cleaned and disinfected. It’s a job most would rather not do. Fortunately, because most septic clogs are caused unknowingly by the homeowner and something that has inadvertently been either flushed down the toilet or washed down the drain without a second thought, most can be prevented by using some caution. For serious clogs that can’t be cleared easily, contacting a company that offers Septic Service, such as company, can help get the system running smoothly again.

It’s of utmost importance to only flush moderate amounts of toilet paper down the toilet. Too much paper can start to form a clog. Extreme caution should be used with the now popular cleaning wipes. If not used sparingly, they can easily clog the septic pipes, making it necessary to call for professional help to undo the clog. It’s usually suggested to dispose of them in a waste receptacle. A common culprit of stubborn septic clogs is feminine hygiene products. Though some are said to be flushable, they commonly are pulled out in numbers by plumbers clearing a septic pipe clog. Wrapping in paper and disposing of in the garbage can help to prevent potentially embarrassing clogs.

Kitchen cooking grease is another frequent cause of septic clogs. When grease is washed down the drain, it frequently congeals as it comes in contact with the cool septic temperatures. This hard and fast clog can occur in the pipe, at the clean out valve, at the entrance of the tank or it can even coat the rocks of the drain field, causing it to not work as efficiently as it should. Grease should always be cooled, placed in a sealed container and thrown away in the garbage, to prevent clogs.

By always being aware what is flushed or washed down the drain, many septic issues requiring Septic Service can be avoided. When in doubt, always throw it out instead of taking a chance and dealing with the mess of a clog. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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