Preventing Fires with An Electrician In Mays Landing

by | Oct 11, 2013 | Energy

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If you’re getting sparks from a damaged wall outlet (or even one that appears to be in perfect condition), warm to the touch wall outlets, a burning smell coming from a plugged in appliance, or an occasional blown fuse, those are just several incidents that should prompt you to contact an electrician immediately and make an appointment for service. Noticing the smallest electrical issue and getting it fixed before it becomes an even bigger issue can mean saving your home, as well your life and the lives of others.

If you need electrical repair done, it’s best to get it as soon as possible because those issues are not something that should go unfixed for any amount of time; any electrical issue poses a high fire hazard. Electrical issues in homes are the cause of at least 26,100 fires a year and more than a billion dollars in property damage and losses. Each year, electrical fires also claim 280 lives in the U.S and injure at least 1,000 more. Most of these fires were the cause of poor maintenance and misuse of wiring, meaning they could have easily been avoided and lives didn’t have to be lost.

You should regularly check the cords on your electrical appliances and quickly replace any that appear to be damaged. Cords should not be placed in tight spaces behind furniture, along doorways, or under rugs. You should also immediately discard any cords that contain faulty wiring, appear to smoke or give off sparks. To take extra precaution, extension cords should only be used for a limited time and should not be used long term for any reason. If needed, an Electrician Mays Landing can provide more outlets.

Even an issue that seems minor, such as flickering lights that may have only happened once or twice, is more than enough reason to call an Electrician Mays Landing because that can mean you have faulty wiring that can ultimately cause an electrical fire if it’s not checked out and fixed properly by an experienced technician. The longer you go with any kind of electrical issue, the higher the risk of a fire igniting. Once that happens, you’ll be paying for more than just an electrician and repair.


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