A Septic system consists of a large tank and an adjacent drainage field used for holding and dispersing domestic wastes. It is connected to the house by a series of pipes that help in passing the wastes to the tank. The solid matter settles at the bottom of the tank while the effluent flows to the drainage field where it slowly percolates into the ground. There are times, however, when the septic tank malfunctions and overflows. Such a problem can be solved by experts in Septic Pumping West Milford NJ.
There are many reasons why a septic tank can overflow. Inadequate maintenance over a long time will lead to an increased amount of solids and other non-biodegradable materials settling at the bottom of the tank. The level of sludge rises, leading to an overflow. Low levels of bacteria decrease the rate of decomposition of the waste, and this leads to an increase in the volume of solid wastes. Poorly designed or damaged pipes might hinder the free flow of the wastes, and this also causes an overflow. Experts in Septic Pumping West Milford NJ, recommend that in the event of an overflow, do some checks to identify the cause. Such tests include checking for pipe blockage, check for any sagging pipes, collapsed pipes and poorly fitted manholes.
It is advisable to hire an expert in Septic Pumping West Milford NJ, if your septic system is malfunctioning. Possible remedies offered include:
1. Raising manholes to prevent surface water from entering the tank.
2. Diverting rainwater pipes away from the septic tank.
3. Replacing a septic system with a secondary treatment plant.
4. Constructing a new percolation system.
5. Constructing a new septic tank.
6. Removal of sludge.
7. Installation of an additional septic tank.
8. Revising of both inlets and outlets.
9. Installation of an effluent filter
Engaging professionals in Septic Pumping West Milford NJ, has some benefits. They have the experience required in pumping, draining and cleaning, a task that you may not be able to discharge effectively. They can empty the excess effluent and take it to an approved site. Depending on the size of the septic tank, the experts can advise you at which interval you are required to carry out maintenance. Lastly, they have specialized equipment that they use to offer protection from contamination.