Sometimes it’s not enough to just have car insurance Naples. It’s important to make sure you have the proper car insurance to keep yourself and your assets protected in case of an accident or injury. There are many types of car insurance and many different limits that need to be considered. If you are a young college student and have no assets to protect, you may need different coverage than a well established homeowner with a sizable amount of money in the bank and many assets. Another consideration is the type of car you have. An older, used car without much value may not be worth insuring for damage, but a leased or financed car needs to have collision coverage.
Part of the reason for car insurance Naples is to protect yourself (and your assets) in the event of an accident. Property or vehicles need to be repaired, medical bills need to be paid and pain and suffering losses are even factored into a car accident claim. If you have assets, it’s not worth risking them. One car accident that causes serious damage can wipe you out. For that reason, it’s important to have good coverage that will cover most accidents without a question. A young student, renting an apartment with no money in the bank and no assets to speak of, may only need state minimum coverage. Insurance that will cover medical costs is probably adequate for them. They may be essentially judgement proof if they have no assets for anyone to acquire.
The decision to put collision insurance on a vehicle is sometimes made for the insured by the finance or loan company. If a car is not owned outright, the finance company will require that the vehicle be insured for its value. That way if it is damaged, they’ll get the value of the car paid back to them. An older, paid for car usually isn’t worth putting collision on. The premiums end up costing more than the blue book value of the car that would be paid in the event of a loss.
As you can tell, car insurance Naples isn’t a one size fits all decision. Talking to an experienced auto insurance agent that sells car insurance Naples will help you get the coverage you need for your particular situation. You’ll be protected without paying for extra coverage you don’t need.
Herrington Insurance Group is an excellent provider of car insurance in Naples, FL. They can cover all types of vehicles and offer multi-car discounts.