If you own a home, are moving homes, or are a renter who is looking into buying a home, you need home insurance. What is home insurance? Home insurance is an insurance policy which protects your private residence and anything kept there. Basically your house, the lot it’s built on, and anything inside it that you own. These protections extend over any cause of damage, be it an act of nature, an accident from a friend, a break in, or your own tired stumbling about. Yes, home insurance can cover that cracked tile floor from the time you dropped the frying pan.
Are You a New Homeowner Who Isn’t Familiar with the Available Insurance Companies?
If you don’t know what homeowners insurance companies are available to you, you can quickly search online. Odds are, there will be a few local offices near you that you can contact. When you search online, you will find either a website, such as Visit the website or an online directory. Either of these will give you what you want, which is a phone number. Calling that number will allow you to talk to the office and schedule an appointment to talk about setting up your policy.
How Much Will the Policy Cost?
Pricing insurance can be rather finicky. First of all, it depends on the company. There is no legally binding national standard for insurance rates, so each insurance company sets its own rates. That said, on average, you will likely pay a monthly fee of about $35 per every $100,000 of property value. So, if you have a home that is valued at $500,000 dollars, you can expect to pay 35 x 5 dollars, or $175 every month. You can expect homeowners insurance in Shillington, PA to be about even with this average, with a cost of living that is about even with the national average and a relatively safe area in terms of potential property destruction.
The costs for homeowners insurance can also either go up or down, depending on where you live. If you live in a $100,000 home in tornado alley, for example, you will be charged more than for a $100,000 home in Albert Lea, Minnesota. All of this should be taken into account when shopping for insurance. You should shop around before making your decision.