If you have been hurt in an automobile accident, you are certain to be dealing with a lot of issues. Doctor’s appointments, hospitals, specialists, and then come the medical bills, insurance adjusters, and police reports. It’s all a bit too much when all you want to do is recover and get your life back. Who is looking out for your interests? A Car Accident Lawyer Oklahoma City on your side will help ease the stress. Here’s why an insurance company representative is the last person you should talk to.
They Want to Spend as Little as Possible
Insurance companies are an important factor in the aftermath of an accident. Hopefully, the person at fault had a comprehensive policy in place. Even if they do, their insurance company is not on your side, no matter what they say. The insurance company that represents the other party, and even your insurance company, have a bottom line to worry about. Most of them have stockholders or shareholders they need to make money for. They are going to offer you what they think your vehicle is worth, which may not be what it’s worth to you. They will also try to minimize the payment of any medical expenses you might incur. Visit the website for more details about the professional car accident lawyers.
They Are In a Hurry
To save money, an insurance adjuster or claims specialist wants to settle your case as quickly as possible. While that sounds like a great idea, the danger is you can settle your claim before the extent of your physical injuries is fully known. There could be hidden problems with your vehicle as well. Once you agree to a settlement, any additional expenses will be your responsibility. By having your own legal representation, you will have someone that can make sure you see the doctors and specialists you need to. This is even more important if your child is involved. Your lawyer will make sure they don’t rush you.
Before you sign anything, make sure you consult with a Car Accident Lawyer Oklahoma City like the ones at the Cain Law Office. They will make sure your interests are protected and let you concentrate on you.