Your teeth are composed of three different layers: the crown, dentine and pulp. The first two layers are almost as strong as bone, while the pulp is fleshy and contains nerves and blood vessels. The ‘root canal’ is the space that contains pulp; it is sensitive and can be very painful if exposed. In some tooth decay cases, cavities can expose the root canal, resulting in infection. Your Torrance dentist may recommend a procedure called a root canal in these situations.
During a root canal procedure, the blood vessels and nerves in the tooth pulp are removed and the tooth is cleaned before being sealed from the inside. The tissue of the tooth can become infected and abscessed if a root canal is not done. A tooth nerve is not necessary for good dental health and function; it only provides a way to detect the difference between hot and cold. Common symptoms of decay requiring root canal treatment by a top dentist in Torrance are:
Severe pain when chewing food
Increased sensitivity to heat and cold
Discoloration/darkening of the tooth
Swelling of gums near the tooth
Gums bleed easily
Recurring ‘pimples’ on gums
How Does the Procedure Work?
Root canal treatment (sometimes called endodontic therapy) can be done in a few visits to your Torrance dentist. In more severe cases, your dentist may send you to an endodontist, who specializes in tooth pulp and severe infection treatment. X-rays are taken to see the root canal’s shape and the degree of infection in the surrounding bones.
Once the dentist or endodontist is aware of the scope of the problem, you will be given local anesthesia, surgical enhancements will be placed, and a hole is drilled into your tooth. Pulp is removed with a root canal file, and your tooth is cleaned using a solution.
At your next dental appointment, the practitioner will check to ensure that the infection is gone. If cleared, a permanent filling is placed. Your tooth may require additional procedures for full function, such as crown placement and related work. Discuss these additional procedures with your Torrance dentist or endodontist.
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