Questions to Ask Your Radiologist

by | May 7, 2018 | Health

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Medical imaging is one of the most common modern medical diagnostic techniques. With a wide variety of applications, it is likely that you have or will experience one of these imaging modalities—X-rays, MRIs, ultrasound, CT scans, and angiography are only a few of the ways that you might encounter medical imaging during your lifetime. Despite the frequency of medical imaging, there are still a number of questions you should ask your radiologist before undergoing any of these procedures yourself. To know what to ask, read on.

1. Because some imaging modalities utilize radiation that can be harmful in large doses, be sure to understand why the imaging should be done. Ask why you need the procedure and how its results will impact your health and future treatment.

2. Ask your radiologist about the risks of the particular procedure you will be undergoing. Harvard Medical School explains that some imaging techniques have more risks than others. For example, dental scans and mammograms are relatively harmless, but CT scans and PET scans emit much higher levels of potentially harmful radiation.

3. Inquire about the possibility of a safer, alternative procedure. In some cases, imaging techniques with lower risk can be used in the place of more intensive imaging procedures. MRI and ultrasounds, for example, don’t involve exposure to any radiation.

4. No matter which type of imaging your radiologist decides you should receive for the best results, ask how to prepare. Make sure that there are no dietary or medication restrictions you should follow before your procedure.

5. Finally, ask your radiologist absolutely anything on your mind. It is your doctor’s role to discuss your concerns and educate you about the imaging process. By asking questions and staying informed, you can relieve any anxiety you have about your procedure, and your radiologist will be happy to help.

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