It is never a smart idea to follow someone blindly around without asking the proper questions to gain the knowledge needed for the situation; this is never more true than when you are working with your accident lawyers in Richmond, VA. You should never just leave all of the information and work with the proceedings up to them, and it is even important to ask them questions before you choose to hire them for your case; just because they are the first ones there does not mean that they are the best options for your case. You should take the time to discuss with your accident lawyers in Richmond, VA questions about their background and education, the success and failure of some of their past cases, the fees that they charge to their clients and when these fees are due, and many questions should be asked in regards to your case throughout the whole process.
Background and Education
The first question that you should ask and discuss with your accident lawyer in Richmond, VA is about their education and their background. It does not make sense to hire a lawyer you is still in law school and has never worked on a case in their lives; it is just as bad to hire an experienced lawyer who works on divorce cases or specializes in some other form of law when you need someone to represent you in an accident case. Asking questions about their schooling and the types of cases they have experience working with will save a lot of time later on and ensure that you are receiving the best representation possible.
Past Cases
Discussing past cases with your accident lawyers in Richmond, VA is a great way to determine if they are the right representation for you. Finding out about their past successes and failures in negotiations and trial cases will give you a clear idea of what type of lawyer they are and if they will be able to best represent you in court.
All lawyers will charge you fees for their services in the negotiation and the trial portion of your case; some will charge you whether you win your case or not while others charge contingent on your winnings and will take a percentage. It is a good idea to discuss the form and type of payment your lawyer accepts and work out a payment plan with the company if you are not able to pay the amount in full.
Information Concerning Your Case
The most important questions, which you can ask your accident lawyer is questions pertaining to your case. Do not hand over the reins to your lawyer and just let them handle everything; take some control of the case and at least understand the proceeding going on around you.
If you are in need of accident lawyers Richmond, VA, contact Gary Hershner, Attorney at Law for your free consultation. His office can be reached at 804-788-1956.