When you’re covering all your spring cleaning bases, a number of challenges lie ahead. For many, the first tasks attempted are moving all their winter decor into storage and putting away their cold weather clothes. Of course, this also means taking the patio furniture and pool toys out of storage and bringing out the cooler clothing. This doesn’t create much extra space, but it is a good place to start.
The next undertaking often involves scrubbing the kitchen and bathrooms from floor to ceiling, putting fresh, cooler linens on the beds and giving all rooms a thorough dusting. Floor cleanings are also in order; no doubt, the carpets and area rugs have accumulated a great deal of dust, pet hair and dander as well as new stains over the past year. This is also true of your upholstered furniture though many people inadvertently ignore this element.
As is the case with carpet cleaners, you’ll find a vast assortment of over-the-counter products claiming to cover your furniture cleaning needs. Many of these truly will remove some of the surface stains, and they certainly leave their own aroma in the air. The problem is they don’t provide the deep-down clean you could receive from professional Upholstery Cleaning in Virginia Beach VA. Some of these products can even damage certain types of fabric and exacerbate allergies and asthma.
Professional cleaning companies will apply a pre-treatment to particularly prominent or stubborn stains beforehand. They employ powerful truck mounted equipment to not only heat the water they will be using to the necessary temperatures for disinfecting, but provide ample suction to remove any deep down blemishes and odors. This same powerful suction draws out much of the water applied to your furniture, so it dries quickly.
Chemicals may be used, but they will be safe for your furniture. If anyone in your family suffers from breathing problems or allergies, the cleaning company may be able to offer less harsh cleaning methods and products designed for those special considerations. The end result is a beautifully clean and fresh home ready to be presented to all your summer guests. You may also want to think about booking Upholstery Cleaning in Virginia Beach VA for your vehicles.