Reaction Tips from an Allergy Doctor in Jasper, IN

by | Feb 28, 2014 | Healthcare

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Do you suffer from allergies such as sinus issues, asthma or pet allergies? If you do, you are among thousands of sufferers across America who deal with allergies and problems stemming from allergies. There is an Allergy Doctor in Jasper, IN who treats patients in Indiana and Kentucky for many allergies. He wants to tell you about some common allergy triggers and offers tips on those reactions.

The most common triggers are pollen, insect stings, dust mites, latex, mold, pet dander and also some foods and/or medications. Some reactions are mild such as wheezing, sneezing or watery eyes; others can be quite severe such as swelling or difficulties breathing. Simple treatments can include over the counter medications such as antihistamines; they can include shots such as immunotherapy or they can require more in-depth treatments as with an allergy specialist or doctor.

Take all the precautions you can to avoid contact with allergy causing substances. If you are allergic to pollen, keep a low profile during the season when the pollen count is the highest, if at all possible. Don’t hang clothes outside to dry where pollen may attach itself. Keep yourself under air conditioning and whatever preventive measures you have to take to avoid pollen. If you are allergic to certain foods, ensure to avoid those foods and when going to restaurants, find out how the food is prepared. There are many food allergens common to man: shellfish, eggs, wheat, tree nuts, ground nuts, dairy products, certain berries and even chocolate.

Whatever your allergy condition is, be sure to visit a specialist to help you keep it under control. At the Accredited Asthma, Allergy and Food Intolerance Center, located in Jasper, Indiana, they have been providing allergy care to sufferers for over 3 decades. The Allergy Doctor C. Steven Smith is an allergist and immunologist who is board certified to treat various allergies, allergy-based illnesses and asthma at the asthma and allergy center. He will start you off with a comprehensive allergy exam to discover all possible issues you may be experiencing. He has various locations in which to treat you. For an Allergy Doctor in Jasper, IN, contact the Accredited Asthma, Allergy and Food Intolerance Center or browse the website, website, for more information.

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