Ready-mixed concrete is the most common concrete used in construction and in many home improvement jobs. Ready-mixed is batched at a central concrete plant instead of mixing the concrete at the job site. Each batch of ready-mix cement is made to the specifications of the contractor. This concrete has an advantage when ordered in small quantities, but it is also ideal for large jobs where there is no room to mix concrete at the job site.
Central-mixed concrete is totally mixed at the concrete plant, and it is then transported in a truck-mixer which is, in effect, an agitator truck designed to keep all of the materials that make concrete completely mixed rather than allowing them to separate in transit. It is important that Ready Mix in Benton Harbor arrives at the job site in the same structure as it did when leaving the plant.
Transit-mixed concrete is made when the materials are combined at the plant, but they are completely mixed in the truck while it is in transit. Often, the concrete is mixed at the plant, but the mixing is finished at the job site. Transit mixing allows the water to be added at the job site. This prevents premature hardening caused by delays at the job site or difficulties resulting from traffic delays.
One of the many advantages of buying Ready Mix in Benton Harbor is the formula for mixing the concrete can be determined by the contractor who will assess the weather conditions when the concrete will be poured and the structural requirements of the concrete. The size of the coarse aggregate can be specified, which is usually 3/4 or 1 inch. Concrete slump is another specification that Peterman Concrete uses to the make the consistency and stiffness of the concrete. For example, basement walls would use a concrete with a slump to a maximum of 7 inches.
Air-entrained concrete should be used if freezing temperatures will exist when pouring. The concrete supplier and the contractor will work out the percentage of air desired. The actual specification will depend upon the size of the aggregate.
The quality level of the concrete can be specified by the contractor. Specifying performance criteria generally relates to concrete strength. Ready Mix in Benton Harbor can be mixed to any strength a contractor may desire based upon usage and load.