Reasons to go to Urgent Care in Middlesex County NJ instead of the Emergency Room

by | Jun 10, 2021 | Urgent Care

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When there is an emergency, you know you need help immediately. But what if you did not need to go to the emergency room? Well, that answer can be very difficult to answer. What defines a true emergency, one worthy of immediate medical attention? There are several circumstances where you may feel the need for emergency services; however, a visit to urgent care will do just fine. Sometimes, it can be very difficult to decide which services to utilize. Below are ways to determine whether to go to the Urgent Care in Middlesex County NJ or the emergency room and tips for when you do go.

Potentially Life-Threatening Symptoms

If you are experiencing chest pains, severe and sudden headaches, major blood loss, loss of consciousness, etc. these are reasons to contact 911 immediately. These symptoms may not be able to be treated in an urgent care setting. Also, you may not be able to get to Urgent Care in Middlesex County NJ in time to receive proper medical attention.

When in Doubt

When in doubt, call 911. While a majority of symptoms can be treated outside of the emergency room, sometimes it can be difficult to tell how severe they really are. It is not worth risking your well-being by choosing to go elsewhere for treatment.

Urgent Care Instead of Emergency Care

If you have symptoms like painful urination or a sprained ankle, you do not need to go to the emergency room. Emergency rooms provide immediate help, depending on the severity of your symptoms. Emergency rooms are not necessary for minor and non-life threatening symptoms.

Keep Medical Information on Hand

Even if you are not going to the emergency room, have your medical information on hand. Information on medications, allergies and medications are important for any physician to know. This information may be important regarding your treatment.

Understand Your Symptoms

Know what you are feeling. Do research on your own to decide whether or not a symptom is as serious as you may think it is. While it is not recommended to settle for your own diagnosis, consider it as a starting point before you meet with a medical professional.

Overall, the symptoms you are displaying will determine whether you should go to the emergency room or urgent care. It is important to avoid the emergency room for minor symptoms, such as sprains. The emergency room should be saved for life-threatening symptoms. Visit My instadoc urgent care clinic for your needs.

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