If you find yourself in a situation where you are facing serious criminal charges, it isn’t advisable to attempt to go before a judge on your own. It can be far too easy to fall into a trap and say something that incriminates you. People who are innocent are far more likely to want to avoid hiring a criminal attorney in Philadelphia because they know they didn’t do anything wrong. However, this is the worst reason not to hire an attorney.
A Complicated Process
The criminal law field is extremely complicated with many intricacies in the laws and how they can be interpreted. Without an experienced criminal attorney by your side, you can end up overlooking something that is extremely critical to the outcome of your case. The right attorney will know just what to say and do to prove your innocence so you can put the whole experience behind you.
When you are working closely with a criminal attorney in Philadelphia, you can count on taking advantage of his experience. Not only are attorneys required to keep up with their continuing education, they also have a good feel for how other lawyers act, as well as how judges are likely to rule in a variety of cases. As long as you are careful to choose an attorney who is experienced in the area in which you are charged, you will have his experience to draw from to help your case along.
Choosing the Right Moves
During your arrest, you were informed of your right to remain silent. If you choose to talk without an attorney present, you could end up making a critical mistake that can land you in jail, even if you are completely innocent. An attorney will be able to guide you through the process and direct you as to the correct actions to take through your case. For instance, if you are guilty of the crime, he can help you reach a settlement that will reduce your sentence instead of placing it all in a judge’s or jury’s hands.
Heading into a criminal court case on your own isn’t something anyone should even think about, whether you are guilty or not. The criminal court system is a complicated entity, making it essential to hire an experienced criminal attorney in Philadelphia to assist you. He will be able to help you prove your innocence or reduce the sentence you receive to ensure the best possible outcome for your case.
To learn more about why you need to contact a criminal attorney in Philadelphia to handle your case, visit the Law Offices of Rich Maloumian, Jr. online or call 1-215-854-6395.