Reasons You May Need an Attorney in Manhattan, KS

by | Mar 28, 2014 | Lawyer

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A good deal of people are plagued by legal woes at one time or another. Whether it is a child custody case, dealing with a DUI, facing criminal charges for assault, a worker’s compensation issue or whatever, these things call for legal representation. At the very least, they call for at least legal consultation. An Attorney in Manhattan, KS wants to give you some reasons a lawyer might definitely be needed.

Of course, not every legal matter is so complex that you need a lawyer. Some things can be handled just using a little common sense. For example, you ran a stop light and now you have to pay a ticket. Usually, unless extenuating circumstances are involved, that is handled simply by going to court or the magistrate and pay the fine. But not all matters are that simple. Some involve you being charged with something you did not do, or they become a matter of your word against the other person’s word. That and these other reasons that follows are times when you need the expertise of an attorney.

1. If the law process in which you are involved becomes complex, you need to secure the services of an attorney.

2. You may have a case where the evidence is not as it seems. A good attorney knows exactly how to deal with issues as these and will see to it that either the evidence is suppressed if it is to your benefit, or that evidence is drawn out if necessary.

3. Hiring a lawyer will also aid you in the filling out and filing of certain legal documents which may discombobulate you if left up to you.

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