Recovering from Flood Damage in NYC

by | Dec 7, 2015 | Home Improvement

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Whether it occurs in a home or a business, Flood Damage in NYC is serious and can cause problems in a number of different ways. It doesn’t matter if the flooding is the result of broken pipes, a collapsed roof, or a fire, if it isn’t taken care of in a timely manner it can lead to structural damage, weakening floors, walls, and ceilings. Water can also ruin furnishings, carpets, and other contents; in the case of a business this can include product inventory, equipment, and important files. The final danger of water damage is the resultant mold and mildew that may occur if the water is given a chance to sit for any length of time. Add to all of this the fact that a flooded structure can be dangerous to work with and you have all the reasons you need to call in water removal specialists.

Most professional water extraction companies are available 24/7 since these kinds of emergencies can happen at any time of the day or night and need to be dealt with as quickly as possible. After the source of the water has been removed and the building has been cleared to work in, these experienced technicians will begin to assess the situation and determine the best way to handle the water removal and cleanup. Usually this begins by removing the contents of the home or business, and relocating them to a place where they can be cleaned and restored. This will also create more space for the water removal equipment to operate. Depending on the seriousness of the Flood Damage in NYC, the experts may use submersible pumps, wetvacs, commercial fans and dehumidifiers, and more.

After the water has been removed, if the water removal professionals feel it is called for, anti-microbial agents may be used to reduce the likelihood of dangerous mold and mildew. The dangers of this type of growth can’t be overstated, especially if there are individuals who already suffer from respiratory issues. Thorough mold remediation will eliminate potential health problems. An experienced team like Maspeth Environmental Corp. will be able to handle all aspects of water damage, residential or commercial. Licensed, bonded, and insured, they can offer their clients state-of-the-art sanitization and restoration, and free consultations are available.

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