Remembering Loved Ones With Monuments in New Haven

by | Aug 3, 2016 | Business

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A burial spot is an important place for friends and family. It provides a genealogical history for future generations and keeps the memory of the lost person alive. Many people feel a sense of comfort having a spot dedicated to their lost loved one where they can visit and bring flowers or remember the life of this person. Grave markers and Monuments in New Haven are designed to make the information about the individual visible to visitors for centuries. These monuments are easy to personalize and are useful even if the body of the person is not buried at that spot.

People typically consider a memorial stone to be a headstone. This marker is traditionally left at the top of the burial spot to designate where the person is located. However, memorial stones are also often purchased by friends and family to help create a marker as a reminder of the person. There are a number of times when someone is not buried after they pass away. For example, people who were cremated and had their ashes spread or that donated their body to research do not necessarily need a grave. Rather than spend the money on a grave site for no reason the family can plant a tree, install a memorial bench or create some other form of place of honor where the monument is placed. This type of memorial is usually designed on private land that has remained in a family for generations and is expected to remain private.

Monuments in New Haven come in different colors, shapes, and sizes. They may have photos placed on them and images and designed etched into them. Bible phrases, poetry, and personal quotes are common messages people choose to have inscribed on the stones. Nearly every monument includes names and dates, but even this is something that is a personal choice. Everything about each monument is added specifically according to the wishes of the family. People can also pre-order their own monument and have included whatever they prefer. Contact us to learn more about the options available and for assistance with choosing the perfect memorial for someone special.

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