Replacing Laundry Equipment in San Antonio TX

by | Mar 14, 2018 | Cleaning

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Facilities that offer laundering services on site need to be sure all of their equipment is up to par. With broken machines and no guidelines, customers will have a difficult time getting their laundry done as they were promised they could. Laundry Equipment in San Antonio TX can replaced easily with the help of a supply company.

Get a Full Install Kit

When washers and dryers go out, there may just be one thing wrong with it. On the other hand, there could be several existing problems that need to be addressed. Other issues can also occur down the line, making it necessary to purchase a full set of parts rather than just one. A full install kit includes everything one needs to have a washer and dryer properly installed and working, including the hoses, screw clamps, dryer vent, and dryer cords. Any time something goes wrong, the right part can get utilized out the kit.

Have a Washing Procedure Chart

Employees and customers using the washing machine need to know the proper procedure for doing so. With a washing procedure chart visibly located near the machine, everyone should be able to handle using the equipment without doing something wrong that could jeopardize the way it works. If the machine did not come with this chart, or the one available has become worn and unreadable, a new chart can be purchased to replace it.

Install a Pump Dispenser

Rather than having people pour laundry soap out of a typical container and have a bottle sitting around for anyone to use as they please, a pump dispenser is a far better solution. Only a predetermined amount of liquid will come out ensuring each person only gets the necessary amount of soap in their wash. It saves time and hassle, and limits the mess that can sometimes come with pouring out products. If the pump stops working, a replacement can be ordered without problems.

Laundry Equipment in San Antonio TX comes in a variety of styles and options. Those who need to replace parts will have to make their purchase from a reputable facility supplies company, such as Matera. Visit website product pages to see the full list of replaceable parts. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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