In Kansas, eye care professionals provide a variety of surgical procedures to improve the vision. The procedures are performed on patients of all ages. However, seniors are at a higher risk of developing more complex conditions. Patients who need Eye Surgery in Wichita KS can choose from a multitude of procedures available through their preferred surgeon.
Lasik Eye Surgery
Lasik eye surgery is performed to correct vision for patients who are nearsighted primarily. The procedure involves the removal of the film from the lens to correct the vision. The procedure is completed in under an hour, and the patient can return to their normal routine the next day. Patients may be required to wear sunglasses after the procedure and should avoid direct sunlight.
Managing Cataracts with Surgery
Cataracts cause a milky film to develop on the eye lens. The surgery used to correct it involves the laser removal of the cataract from the lens. Typically, the patients are sedated during the procedure, and the patient will need someone to drive them home. Patients who develop cataracts may require further surgeries in the future. A family history of the condition could increase the patient’s risk of the developments.
Drainage for Patients with Glaucoma
Glaucoma causes the increase of fluid behind the optic nerve and causes pressure within the eye. The surgeon will perform one of a variety of procedures based on the patient’s prognosis. However, the most standard treatment option involves laser treatment to provide drainage of the fluid and relieve the pressure.
Correcting the Lens
Seniors may develop irregularities on their eye lens. The condition is among the potential side effects of cataract surgeries. When it occurs, the surgeon must complete laser treatments to correct the shape of the lens and restore the patient’s vision.
In Kansas, eye care professionals examine the eyes to determine if there are any vision issues present. Surgical procedures are also performed to remove cataracts and restore the vision. Glaucoma is among the most complex diseases that are treated through surgery and could cause total blindness. Patients who need to undergo Eye Surgery in Wichita KS can Click here for more information right now.