Roof Repairs in Aurora IL- Signs to Look For

by | Dec 28, 2017 | Construction and Maintenance

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As the cooler weather comes and snow begins to fall there is a lot that a homeowner in Illinois has to think about. One of the biggest is making sure their roofing system holds up to the winter abuse. But how can you know if there is trouble brewing under the fluffy stuff that falls on your roof?  If you are keen on avoiding winter roof repairs in Aurora IL, then look out for these three key warning signs:

Snow Accumulation- When the snow gets too thick on the roof it can cause problems. Snow packs can become very heavy and can damage the roof and the supports that hold up the roof.  Also, heavy sections of packed snow can suddenly give way and slide off the roof, tearing shingles with it and damaging property or injuring anyone who happens to be standing under the snow pack when it falls.

Icicles on Gutters and Eves- Icicles look beautiful when they shine in the sun light on a winter morning, but when massive icicle spikes form from your gutters or eves then you should take note. This is one of the key warning sings that you may have one of the biggest winter hazards forming- an ice dam. These heavy patches of ice can weaken the roof and can also cause severe water damage when they melt.

Water Damage Inside- As the warmer weather comes, like it always does, the snow and ice on your roof will begin to melt away. When it does, water can find its way into your home if any damage to the shingles has been done or if major ice dams are blocking drainage routes. This water will find its ways into your home and can cause massive amounts of damage very quickly.

The best way to avoid these winter roofing hazards is to have the professional team at Showalter Roofing handle it for you!  Call us today to get started!

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