The best part about hardwood floors is that they can last a lot longer than carpet or vinyl flooring. Even though they are long-lasting, at some point they may no longer be attractive because of staining and other damage or wear. Now, homeowners in the Manhattan KS area can choose floor refinishers to make those wood floors look new again. Floor Refinishing in Manhattan KS can save homeowners money and time that would have been spent replacing the wood floor or covering it up with carpet. Quality refinishing companies can save wood floors and make them look attractive with durable finishes.
How do companies accomplish floor refinishing in Manhattan KS? Floor refinishing professionals use special equipment and techniques to refinish hardwood floors. First, the room is cleared of all furniture and other items so the floor is completely empty. Second, the floor is cleaned to make it ready for sanding. Any screws, nails, or staples are removed. Third, the floor is sanded in a process called screening. In this process, varying grades of sandpaper or screens are used, from coarse to fine, to sand the wood down to a smooth scratch free surface that is ready to stain and finish. Then, the floor is stained the color chosen by the customer. Last, the floor has several coats of durable finish applied and dried.
Now the new floor is ready for the homeowner to enjoy. The newly refinished floor will last for many years if it is properly taken care of and maintained. Wood floors will last longer and look better for longer if a few precautions are followed. Sweep the floor regularly. Damp mop with recommended cleaner to avoid build up of soil. Avoid dragging furniture and sharp objects over the floor and scratching it. Wipe up liquid and food spills promptly. With these precautions, a wood floor can look like new for many years.
There are other surfaces that can also be resurfaced rather than replaced. They include ceramic tile, counter tops, sinks, tub surrounds, and bathtubs. Surfaces such as porcelain, fiberglass, acrylic, cultured marble, laminate, and ceramic tile can be resurfaced to look like new again. For more information, please visit the website and contact us.