Seeing a Family Doctor in Kingwood for Hypertension

by | Jul 27, 2015 | Healthcare

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The diagnosis of hypertension is based on a simple measurement procedure, although some other tests as are necessary. It is essential to complete the study with laboratory tests (blood and urine) and an electrocardiogram. A Family Doctor in Kingwood can help with these tests. To facilitate the diagnosis, it is very important to consider these recommendations:

*     High blood pressure has very little symptoms and can go unnoticed.

*     It is more common after the age of 40, although it can occur at any age.

*     There is a familial predisposition but also occurs in people with no history.

Blood pressure is measured by devices called sphygmomanometers at a Family Doctor in Kingwood, popularly known as blood pressure monitors, which are subject to validation and regulatory approvals. Before using a personal blood pressure monitor, confirm that the device is validated. No matter the measurement you obtain, it is vital you should follow a few guidelines:

*     Blood pressure changes throughout the day and night, and that’s why it’s crucial that you always measure it at the same time every day.

*     Find a quiet room, no noise or interruptions, with a temperature of 20-25° C (68 to 77° F).

*     You should be relaxed. No drinking, eating, smoking or exercising the half hour previous to testing.

*     Rest 5 minutes before taking the blood pressure.

*     Sit comfortably with your back against the backrest of the chair, do not cross your legs and take off clothing that may oppress the arm.

*     If the blood pressure is being taken on the arm, place the cuff two or three centimeters above the elbow. Leave the palm of the hand facing up and slightly bent at the elbow height of the heart.

*     If the blood pressure is being taken at the wrist, place the cuff at heart level.

*     Do not talk during measurement.

*     Take two separate measurements at least two minutes apart and keep the result of the average of the two measurements.

*     Record the values obtained and inform your doctor.

Hypertension in the elderly should never be ignored. The systolic blood pressure rises with age and has been long considered normal in older people. It is known that the blood pressure should be kept within normal ranges to reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications, no matter the age. Contact Northeast Urgent Care And Weight Loss Clinic to learn more.

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