Seeking Used Car Body Parts in New Haven CT?

by | Sep 30, 2016 | Automotive

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As cars get older, the most difficult challenge becomes finding parts for them. OEM parts become harder to find sources for as the stocks are used up once production for them ceases. Duplicate aftermarket parts are supplied by some manufacturers, but the further back in the catalog a car is, the more expensive is the new replacement. And for some car models, there isn’t even a source for new-manufacture replacement parts on the market because they are so old. This is why a lot of repair operations and individual car restorers turn to auto salvage yards to find what they need.

Going to a salvage yard to find auto parts, particularly used car body parts in New Haven CT, can be a wise choice for a number of reasons. Salvage dealers understand the value of the parts which can be recovered from the hundreds of wrecks in their yards and take great care in salvage and reconditioning. Many scrapped cars have never been involved in accidents or have suffered minor accidents at worst. These old vehicles are ones which their owners ultimately gave up on after years of driving past their primes, until continual operation and repair ceased to be cost-effective.

Sold for scrap, these vehicles are brought in to the yard almost intact and become the source for a wealth of parts for other older and antique vehicles. This includes body parts that maybe have only a small amount of surface rust or a minor dent or two. These small defects are easily smoothed over and the local body and repair shop or car restorer has a part which is perfect for the particular car needing a replacement. This includes fender panels, doors, hoods and trunk lids, bumpers, front end pieces and spoilers. There is also a wealth of body trim parts which are salvaged from these old wrecks which include hood ornaments for antique cars or more recent Buick, Cadillac, or Lincoln models which either are not available through normal channels or expensive from aftermarket part dealers. Some of the vehicles brought in extend back through decades, and constitute in many cases the only source of parts for a matching antique vehicle. And salvaged parts are always going to be cheaper than new-manufacture replacements.

So contact Us when seeking out used car body parts in New Haven CT. We may very well have exactly the part you need for that old antique.

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