Signs of Failing Brake Pads You Shouldn’t Ignore in Redding, CA

by | Feb 25, 2020 | Auto Repair

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Many vehicle owners neglect to check their brake pads or ignore brake issues , which can pose a safety risk. Working brakes are essential to ensure the safety of your vehicle. Here are some common signs of worn brake pads.

Screeching, Squealing and Grinding Noises

A common sign of failing brake pads are screeching, grinding and squealing noises. When brake pads wear, they grind into the metal rotors, usually as you press the brake. If the pad has worn all the way down, you may hear a squeaking noise.

Brakes Taking Longer to Stop

If your brakes take longer to slow the vehicle down, it is another common sign you need auto and brake repair in Redding, CA. This means the brakes cannot apply enough friction to stop the vehicle, which could cause a serious accident.

Soft Brakes

If your brake feels spongy under your feet, it may sink to the floor or be harder to press. Soft brakes commonly result from a leaky master cylinder.

Burn Smells

Worn brake pads can cause a strong chemical odor, especially when you drive on steep roads. If this happens while you drive, park in a safe area, let the brakes cool and ensure the parking brake has been disengaged.

Getting Your Vehicle Serviced

Damaged brake pads should never be ignored to keep you and other drivers safe on the road. As soon as you notice something off about your brakes, get auto and brake repair in Redding, CA. Contact Major Muffler & Auto Repair at

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