Simple Ways To Maintain An Air Conditioner in Mobile, AL

by | Apr 14, 2015 | Air Conditioning

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Summer is just around the corner, and homeowners are already starting to prepare. Like most people, you probably depend a lot on your home’s air conditioning unit. It’s not uncommon for AC units to break down and malfunction during the summer. An Air Conditioner in Mobile AL, needs regular maintenance in order for it to operate the way it’s intended to. The following are a few maintenance tips any homeowner can use to keep their unit running.

When is the last time your unit was professionally serviced? AC specialists typically recommend that homeowners have their units inspected and serviced at least once a year. However, many homeowners go years without ever having their units inspected. The longer your unit goes without getting inspected, the greater the risk of it malfunctioning when you least expect it to. By having your Air Conditioner in Mobile AL, inspected yearly, you can avoid problems with the system.

Before and after having your unit inspected, you’ll also want to perform some DIY maintenance. For instance, the air handler of your unit houses a filter, and this filter helps to keep the air clean inside your home. Every few months (or depending on how often you use your unit) these filters will become clogged with dust and excess debris. A clogged filter will obstruct the airflow of your unit and will cause it to work even harder to cool your home. To avoid any unnecessary problems, remember to change your unit’s filter every three to four months.

While maintaining your air handler, you’ll also need to maintain the condensing unit located outside. Condensing units are built to be durable and are able to stand up to the outside elements. However, all condensers need to be cleaned from time to time. Make sure your condensing unit is free from fallen twigs and leaves. If grass grows around your condensing unit, make sure to trim around it and eliminate growing weeds. If you fail to do these things, you may be forced to purchase a new Air Conditioner in Mobile AL.

Use these tips in order to maintain your unit. Again, have your unit inspected annually. Also, make sure your Air Conditioner in Mobile AL, is cleaned regularly. If you do these things, your unit will be more than ready for those triple-digit temperatures of summer.

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